[index] and vehicle identity
year, make and model
[1] GHN189
1942 Bristol K5G with Eastern Coachworks 53-seat lowbridge double-deck body with open rear platform.
Aycliffe and District Bus Preservation Society of Newton Aycliffe
This is an example of a wartime unfrozen bus: after an embargo of bus production in 1942, it was built from stocked parts by permission of the Ministry of Supply. The first wartime body was replaced in 1954 by a 1949 one transferred from another chassis. The sunken side gangway upstairs results in the reduction of 12 inches (30 centimetres) in height, to pass under lower bridges. The bus was restored by 1988; it has recently had a new gearbox.
[2] LHN 860
1949 Bristol L5G with Eastern Coachworks 35-seat single deck body.
Aycliffe and District Bus Preservation Society of Newton Aycliffe
Bought by United originally in rear-entrance format; converted to front-entrance format for one-person operation in 1960; out of service 1966. It has a five-speed gearbox and will cruise at about 45 mph.
Purchased by Bellway for use transporting building staff. Into preservation in the 80's. Restored 1996
[3] FHN 923
1940 Bristol K5G conversion with towing gear
Aycliffe and District Bus Preservation Society of Newton Aycliffe
The vehicles served as a standard double-deck bus with United before conversion to a towing truck. In the latter form it was preserved by the late Charlie Bullock and left to the Society on his death in 2005. It has been refurbished in the care of the Society.
[4] AHN 451B
1964 Daimler CCG5 with Roe 61-seat highbridge double-deck body with open rear platform.
Aycliffe and District Bus Preservation Society of Newton Aycliffe
New to Darlington Corporation Transport and in service from 1964 until 1980. This vehicle is typical of a small number of vehicles produced by Daimler after the arranged marriage of Guy and Daimler under the Jaguar umbrella: it has a Guy drive-line with Gardner 5LW engine and constant mesh gearbox. The Corporation's preference for a small (7 litre) 5-cylinder engine was very unusual by that late date. The bus was purchased by ADBPS in 1980.
[5] NDL 769G
1969 Bristol LHS6L with Marshall 35-seat single-deck bus body with front entrance.
Aycliffe and District Bus Preservation Society of Newton Aycliffe
This bus was new to Southern Vectis for service on the Isle of Wight. It was acquired by United in 1977 for use on experimental Flexibus services in the Ripon area. Then in 1981 it was used in Newton Aycliffe on the Newtonian 79 town service, before the Road Ranger minibus era. The Bristol LH is a light-weight high-framed chassis. It has a Leyland 0.400 engine, mounted horizontally underfloor, and a Turner five-speed synchromesh gearbox.
[6] 304 GHN
1958 Bristol LS6G with Eastern Coachworks 39-seat single-deck coach body.
Aycliffe and District Bus Preservation Society of Newton Aycliffe
The coach was originally part of United's prestigious extended tours' fleet, in 34-seat coach format, in which it worked from 1958 to 1961. It was subsequently reseated to 39 for shorter distance work until finally sold off in 1971. Restoration began in 2000 and was completed in 2012.